MARINE main base cable the terminal cables are connected to. The cable can be identified through its BLACK cap with LEDs and it has two connectors, a 2-way female (possible external power supply) and a 4-way male (communication connector). USE AS A BASE CABLE (example AM01 + AM02): Connect the terminal cable related to the make that has to be diagnosed (example AM02) to the 4-way male connector. If indicated by the software, connect the power clamps, which will then be connected to the engine’s battery to power the tool, to the 2-way female connector. WARNING: the cable AM01 is the base cable that covers most of the makes, but it does not support specific functions and protocols. It must not be confused with the cable AM01 CAN, very similar but with a dedicated sticker and a RED cap. Pay attention to the software’s indications regarding the use of the BASE cable, the use of the terminal cable needed and the possible external power supply.
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If the product is returned or replaced due to inappropriate quality of goods, commits to replace, at its own expense, an item of inappropriate quality with a good quality product or to refund the money paid for the item.
Return of a good quality product in accordance with the “Retail Trade Rules”. In this case, the cost of returning the goods is paid by the buyer.
Retail Trade Rules
The returned item must be in the original tidy package without losing its commercial appearance (this does not apply to returning a defective product) and the item must be complete.
The returned item must be intact and unused.
It is also necessary to provide the purchase document of the goods and all the documentation of the product.
In the case of return of goods, money is not returned for services provided (transportation, loading work, etc.).
The seller has the right not to accept the goods returned by the buyer, if the buyer does not follow the return procedure set out in this article.
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